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    TIAN Wei
    . 0, (): 330-332,361.
    Objective To understand the main causes of death among children and adolescents aged 5-19 in Tangguregion, Binhai New Area, Tianjin City, so as to provide a reliable basis for the government and other relevant departments to develop interventions and policies. Methods The uniform coding was performed according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9 and ICD-10). The health measures, such as crude mortality, standardized mortality, cause of death ratio, potential years of life lost (PYLL), potential life lost rate (PYLLR), standardized years of life (SPYLL), and standardized life lost rate (SPYLLR) were used, and the death reports were collected and statistically analyzed by using Excel 2017 and SPSS 19.0 software in Tanggu region for 20 years (1998-2017). Results The mortality rate of children and adolescents in Tanggu area was 39.02/105, the standardized mortality rate was 5.63/105, the male mortality rate was 27.6/105, and the female mortality rate was 18.4/105. The mortality rate of the male was higher than that of the female (χ2=2.87, P<0.05). Injury and poisoning (17.33/105) and tumors (9.13/105) were the leading causes of death among the children and adolescents, accounting for 67.8% of all deaths. The PYLL for children and adolescents was 15 175.5 person-years, SPYLL was 8 497.37 person-years, PYLL was 11.8‰, and SPYLL was 29.5‰. Conclusion Injury and poisoning, and tumors are the main causes of death among children and adolescents aged 5-19 years in Tanggu region, Binhai New Area, Tianjin City. Therefore, the effective interventions should be taken to reduce death, to reduce the burden of disease and the loss of lifetime, and to promote the physical and mental health of children and adolescents.
  • Aticle
    . 0, (): 375-376,379.
    目的 了解某中学结核病疫情的传播环节和流行过程,为学校结核病防控提供依据。方法 对发生疫情的学校开展肺结核病例流行病学调查,对学生病例密切接触者,通过个案调查、X光胸片检查、结核菌素皮肤试验等方式开展结核病筛查,并根据筛查情况和疫情分析及时进行处置。结果 筛查发现3例学生肺结核病人,首发病例班级接触同学PPD 阳性率为92.50%(37/40),强阳性率为62.50%(25/40),均高于其他班级(P<0.01)。该班学生在接触后不同时间进行的三次PPD试验,累计阳性率和强阳性率均呈现升高过程。PPD试验强阳性35人中,33人采取了预防性服药措施,服药率94.29%,未出现续发病例。结论 首例病人诊治延误是造成本次疫情的主要原因,早发现、早转诊,做好密切接触者筛查,是控制结核病疫情的重要措施。