单词的切分对现代汉语的运用、研究和计算机信息处理等都具有相当重要的意义。本文阐述书面汉语分词连写的十大好处, 并讨论一些实施方面的问题。文章全文分词连写。
Word - segmentation is important to language communication , linguistic studies and computer information processing. Yet , unlike English , written Chinese is t raditionally not word - segmented , i. e. , there are no spaces or any other physical means to mark the boundaries of words. This paper illust rates ten advantages of writing Chinese in word - segmention format ,and includes a discussion of some techniques for doing this. The paper has been written word -segmentedly.
汉语 /
书面语 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
Written /
chinese /
word - segmented /
{{custom_keyword}} /
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