1.Lab. of Phonetics and Computational Linguistics , Institute of Ethnology & Anthropology, CASS 2.Automation Department of Beijing Institute of Technology 3.DEPT. of Letters , Arts and Sciences , Waseda University
This paper firstly gives a brief introduction to the background of the Secret History of the Mongols, the great book published in 13 century in Yuan Dynasty, and its special complicated original typeface in form. After an analysis to its content and page form, a scheme of electronic retrieval system has been then designed for it, which resolves the problem of returning to the original shape of the archaic writing form with three lines representing one content. Furthe more, the retrieval system also provide the functions of retrieving and counting each contents of the origins, including Chinese transliterate, Chinese translation, and phonological and grammatical markers. The retrieval result includes numbers of traditional academic chapters and sections which are very important for the users, numbers of original volumes and pages, and retrieval objects’positions in the electronic text. In addition, the system makes full use of a concordance technology, which can present retrieval units with their contexts. Generally speaking, this retrieval system can basically satisfy the needs of studing history, literature, and language from the important historical document.
JIANG Di,YAN Hai-lin,SUN Bo-jun,Siqin Chaoketu,MENG Da-lai.
An Introduction to the Retrieval System for "the Secret History of the Mongols". Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2006, 20(3): 38-44
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