There is an important issue that text summarization has to embody the personal information need and provide the indicative message for user. In this paper, a mechanism of query-biased summarization is presented based on passage matching and density distribution. First, each keyword and its synonymies are regarded as a query profile, and then the relevant passages are retrieved by profile matching. The density of term in these passages is calculated by Hanning window function, and the centralizing areas of keywords are acquired. Considering the density distribution and the number of keywords included, the important sentences are extracted as the final output query-biased summarization. The evaluations were made through Question and Answering test and similarity comparison, and it showed that our mechanism improved the ability to meet personal information need and illustrated more effective on multi-theme texts.
计算机应用 /
中文信息处理 /
文本摘要 /
偏重摘要 /
同义扩充 /
段落匹配 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
computer application /
Chinese information processing /
text summarization /
query-biased summarization /
synonymous expansion /
passage match /
density distribution
{{custom_keyword}} /
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