This paper discusses data structure of garden path phenomenon (GPP). The data structure of GPP belongs to cognitive tree-liked structure rather than the other structures, e.g. word set structure in pre-grammar condition, linear grammatical structure in syntactic understanding, and ambiguous map-liked structure in semantic-matched multiple cognition. The distinctive structure features of GPP include. (1) In the early understanding, the data structure of GPP shows a linear feature; (2) in the medium-term understanding, semantic trigger point brings the breakdown of the original model, and the data structure of GPP is a word set structure; (3) in the late understanding, processing breakdown results in backtracking and GPP creates a tree-liked data structure at the end; (4)the dynamic understanding of GPP is the integration of two structures except map-liked one, and the activation of semantic trigger point brings additional cognitive load. The difference between tree-liked data structure of GPP and map-liked data structure of ambiguity reflects the dissimilarity between these two syntactic phenomena from the perspective of data structure, which provides the theoretical support for computational linguistics to interpret GPP.
花园幽径现象 /
数据结构 /
认知 /
折返性 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
garden path phenomenon /
data structure /
cognition /
half-returned feature /
semantic trigger
{{custom_keyword}} /
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