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中文信息学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (12) : 1-10.


  • 吴思远1,2,蔡建永2,3,于东1,江新2
作者信息 +

A Survey on the Automatic Text Readability Measures

  • WU Siyuan1,2, CAI Jianyong2,3, YU Dong1, JIANG Xin2
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History +




The concept of readability is originally proposed by educators to assist the selection of suitable reading materials for learners. This paper surveys the existing works on automatic text readability measures, and summarized three types of methods: formula-based method, classification method and ranking method. This paper also outlines the databases and the extracted features in the literature. And finally, the future developments of the automatic readability research is provided.


文本可读性 / 可读性分析 / 特征提取

Key words

text readability / readability analysis / feature selection


吴思远,蔡建永,于东,江新. 文本可读性的自动分析研究综述. 中文信息学报. 2018, 32(12): 1-10
WU Siyuan, CAI Jianyong, YU Dong, JIANG Xin. A Survey on the Automatic Text Readability Measures. Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2018, 32(12): 1-10


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