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中文信息学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (12) : 100-108.


  • 闫蓉1,2,高光来1,2
作者信息 +

Pseudo Topic Analysis Based on Topic Network

  • YAN Rong1,2, GAO Guanglai1,2
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This paper proposed a novel pseudo topic analysis approach based on the community structure in the topic network and the relationships between the topics. It represents the text semantics from the perspective of network structure, which is a remedy to existing statistical topic modeling methods.


伪主题分析 / 主题网络 / 文本理解

Key words

pseudo topic analysis / topical network / text understanding


闫蓉,高光来. 基于主题网络的伪主题分析. 中文信息学报. 2018, 32(12): 100-108
YAN Rong, GAO Guanglai. Pseudo Topic Analysis Based on Topic Network. Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2018, 32(12): 100-108


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