This paper discusses how to use semantic resources to assist computer in semantic understanding and commonsense reasoning. Firstly, we point out that human beings live in a world with common sense and meaning, and that artificial intelligence robots are required to understand the meaning of natural language to make commonsense reasoning. Then, we briefly summarize the advantages and disadvantages of two approaches of natural language processing based on knowledge and statistics. Then, we explain that neither concepts nor language can be truly understood with statistical methods and Deep Learning can hardly account for any knowledge. The paper shows with specific cases that Information Dictionary of Notional Word has been equipped with semantic role information and syntactic configuration of the words, which can be employed in the knowledge graph and the content computing and served for the improvement of the artificial intelligence. As the "Qualia Role" describes the encyclopedic knowledge of nouns, it can be used to answer commonsense questions such as what it is (formal role), what it consists of (constitute role), what it is made of (material role), how it is created (agentive role), and what it is used for (telic role).
语言知识资源 /
语义理解 /
常识推理 /
基于知识/统计 /
语义角色 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
semantic knowledge resources /
semantic understanding /
commonsense reasoning /
knowledge based / statistics based /
semantic role /
qualia role
{{custom_keyword}} /
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