A cross-linguistic sentiment classification algorithm based on semantic fusion is proposed for product reviews. First, information of different languages is generated by the open-source tool Word2Vec in advance. Then, the auto-associative memory relationship is proposed to extract the cross-lingual document semantic, according to statistical relevance of word vector between different languages. Local perception and weight sharing techniques of convolutional neural networks are applied to amalgamate of complex semantic expression in auto-associative memory model, so as to generate the phrase features of different lengths. The dense combination of high-level semantic features is learned by deep neural network for all languages, which paves the way for classification predictions. It is demonstrated that, for positive and negative sentiment classification of cross-lingual sentiment corpus, the proposed model is much more effective than other existing algorithms
跨语言情感分类 /
自联想记忆 /
词共现 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
cross-lingual sentiment classification /
auto-associative memory relationship /
word co-occurrence /
convolutional neural networks
{{custom_keyword}} /
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