For neural networks based dependency parsing, this paper presents a novel architecture for transition-based dependency parsing leveraging fused multi-feature encoding. We model the stack states based on subtrees representations and encode structural dependency subtrees with TreeLSTM. Particularly, we propose a LSTM-based technique to encode the historical parsed dependency arcs and states as global features. Finally, based on fused multi-feature encoding, we combine the extracted local features and global features for parsing decision. Experiments on Chinese Penn TreeBank (CTB5) show that our parser reaches 87.8% (unlabeled) and 86.8% (labeled) attachment accuracy with a greedy strategy, which effectively improves neural transition-based dependency parsing.
依存句法分析 /
多特征融合编码 /
依存子树 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
dependency parsing /
multi-feature encoding /
dependency subtree /
TreeLSTM neural network
{{custom_keyword}} /
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