语义知识库是自然语言处理任务的基础性资源,广泛应用于语义计算和语义推理等任务。现有的大规模语义知识库基本都是通用型知识库,缺乏特定领域的语义知识。为了弥补这种不足,该文基于HowNet的语义理论体系,提出了一种辅助构建航空术语语义知识库的方法。该方法根据航空术语的特点将辅助构建分成四个关键过程,构建了2 000条术语概念描述(DEF)。最后通过对人工标注的术语间相似度与根据术语DEF计算的术语间相似度结果的对比,验证了该构建方法的有效性。
Semantic knowledge base is a basic resource of natural language processing. The existing large-scale semantic knowledge base is basically generic knowledge base, lacking the domain specific semantic knowledge. This paper proposes a semi-automatic method of constructing the semantic knowledge base of aviation terms by HowNet. It consists of four key processes of construction, resulting altogether 2 000 descriptions of the term concept (DEF). Finally, the validity of the method is verified by comparing the term similarities obtained by manual annotation and those obtained according to the term DEF.
航空术语 /
语义知识库 /
知网 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
aviation terms /
semantic knowledge base /
HowNet /
{{custom_keyword}} /
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