In order to improve Mongolian speech recognition, the Time Delay Neural Network (TDNN) and Feed-forward Sequential Memory Network (FSMN) are combined to model the long sequence speech frames. In addition, we investigate the influence caused by the information from the preceding and the subsequent frames in the memory block over FSMN. We compare the performance of the TDNN-LSTM using different hidden layers and nodes. The results show that the fusion of TDNN and FSMN produces better performance than DNN, TDNN and FSMN, reducing the word error rate (WER) by 22.2% compared with the DNN baseline.
蒙古语 /
语音识别 /
时延神经网络 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
Mongolian /
speech recognition /
Time Delay Neural Network /
Feed-forward Sequential Memory Network
{{custom_keyword}} /
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