The development of social network has provided an innovative perspective for detecting depressive users. Few works have been done on private data which come from the relatively private social network such as WeChat friends circle or QQ Zone to detect depressive users. This paper discusses the feasibility of detecting depressive users on quasi-private social network data,including training samples,feature extraction,detection model,etc. The experimental results show that,to train an effective model and overcome the challenge of unbalance samples,we should firstly select almost the same amount of positive and negative samples with the highest and the lowest scores of self-report tests,which corresponding to the most depressive users and the most normal users. Secondly,the features should be quantified by Z-score standardized frequency,which is more powerful than the other two quantifying methods such as frequency or normalized frequency. Thirdly,the SGD classifier performs better than the other classifiers such as SVM. The results also show that,compared to other features such as bag-of-words or word-to-vector,topical features performs better with 0.813 detection precision and 0.753 F-measure.
准私密社交网络文本 /
抑郁用户检测 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
quasi-private social text /
depressive users detecting /
feasibility analysis
{{custom_keyword}} /
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