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中文信息学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (8) : 16-27.


  • 黄佳跃,熊德意
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A Survey of Sentence Alignment

  • HUANG Jiayue, XIONG Deyi
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Neural machine translation has achieved good translation results on languages with abundant corpus, but it has poor performance on languages with scarce bilingual corpus resources such as Chinese-Vietnamese, this problem can be better alleviated by generating pseudo-parallel sentence pairs through word-level replacement of existing small-scale bilingual data. Considering the problem of multiple translations of one word in Chinese-Vietnamese word-level substitutions, so we studied the replacement based on larger granularity, and proposed the Chinese-Vietnamese pseudo-parallel sentence pair generation method based on phrase substitution. Use small-scale bilingual data for phrase extraction to construct a phrase alignment table, and expand it with entity phrases extracted from Wikipedia, after performing phrase recognition on bilingual data for Chinese and Vietnamese, use the phrase pair in the phrase alignment table that is more similar to the recognized phrase to replace, to achieve the phrase-level data enhancement, and train the final neural machine translation model together with the generated pseudo-parallel sentence pairs and the original data. Experimental results on Chinese-Vietnamese translation tasks show that pseudo-parallel sentence pairs generated by phrase substitution can effectively improve the performance of Chinese-Vietnamese neural machine translation.


神经机器翻译 / 句对齐

Key words

neural machine translation / sentence alignment


黄佳跃,熊德意. 句对齐研究综述. 中文信息学报. 2021, 35(8): 16-27
HUANG Jiayue, XIONG Deyi. A Survey of Sentence Alignment. Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2021, 35(8): 16-27


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