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中文信息学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (10) : 126-134.


  • 周敏,王中卿,李寿山,周国栋
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Aspect-level Sentiment Classification Based on Multi-Task Pre-Training Model

  • ZHOU Min, WANG Zhongqing, LI Shoushan, ZHOU Guodang
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The lack of annotated sample has become a major challenge for aspect-level sentiment classification. This paper proposes a combined multi-task pre-training Bert model to alleviate this issue. A large amount of unlabeled document-level sentiment classification data is employed to train a variety of classification tasks for a pre-trained model with share parameters, so as to transfer the useful semantic and grammatical information shared between aspect-level comments and document-level comments. Experiments on the SemEval-14 data set show that, compared with a series of baseline models, the model proposed in this paper effectively improves the accuracy of aspect-level sentiment classification.


Bert / 多任务 / 情感分类

Key words

Bert / multi-masks / sentiment classification


周敏,王中卿,李寿山,周国栋. 基于多任务预训练模型的属性级情感分类. 中文信息学报. 2022, 36(10): 126-134
ZHOU Min, WANG Zhongqing, LI Shoushan, ZHOU Guodang. Aspect-level Sentiment Classification Based on Multi-Task Pre-Training Model. Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2022, 36(10): 126-134


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