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中文信息学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (4) : 1-11.


  • 王少楠1,2,张家俊1,2,宗成庆1,2,3
作者信息 +

A Review of Language Cognition Experiments Based on Language Computation

  • WANG Shaonan 1,2, ZHANG Jiajun1,2, ZONG Chengqing1,2,3
Author information +
History +




The language understanding processes in human brain is very complicated, involving multiple brain networks and processing mechanisms. Most previous work used strictly controlled experimental designs to investigate specific language phenomena. As a result, the research conclusions tend to be fragmented, hardly forming a picture about the brain language understanding. Recently, the emergence of deep learning has triggered technological changes in the field of language computation, and computational language models have reached or even surpassed human levels in multiple tasks. This brings the possibility of conducting global and highly ecologically valid language comprehension experiments, which will promote the develoyment of computational language methods in language cognition experiments. This article summarizes the related work of language cognition experiments using computational language methods, and anticipates the future development trends.


语言认知 / 语言计算 / 语言理解

Key words

language cognition / language computation / language comprehension


王少楠,张家俊,宗成庆. 基于语言计算方法的语言认知实验综述. 中文信息学报. 2022, 36(4): 1-11
WANG Shaonan , ZHANG Jiajun, ZONG Chengqing. A Review of Language Cognition Experiments Based on Language Computation. Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2022, 36(4): 1-11


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