Model degeneration appears in reproducing the unsupervised neural machine translation method proposed by Facebook AI research in the context of Chinese and English language pairs. We propose three simple yet effective methods to solve this problem. First, we mask the non-target words in the translation. Second, we use a dictionary to translate the degenerated machine translations into the target language. Third, we add some parallel corpus (100k parallel sentences) into the training process. Experimental results show that all three methods can effectively prevent the model from degeneration. In total unsupervised setting, the 2nd method has a better BLEU score of 7.87. With 100k parallel sentences, the 1st method is better with a BLEU score of 14.28.
无监督神经机器翻译 /
低资源 /
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Key words
unsupervised neural machine translation /
low resource /
model degeneration
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