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中文信息学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (9) : 67-75.


  • 陈林卿,李军辉,贡正仙
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Hierarchical Global Context Augmented Document-level Neural Machine Translation

  • CHEN Linqing, LI Junhui, GONG Zhengxian
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How to effectively use textual context information is a challenge in the field of document-level neural machine translation (NMT). This paper proposes to use a hierarchical global context derived from the entire document to improve the document-level NMT models. The proposed model obtains the dependencies between the words in current sentence and all other sentences, as well as those between all words. Then the dependencies of different levels are combined as the global context containing the hierarchical contextual information. In order to take advantage of the parallel sentence in training, this paper employs a two-step training strategy: a sentence level model is first trained by the Transformer, and then fine-tuned on a document-level corpus. Experiments on several benchmark corpus data sets show that the proposed model significantly improves translation quality compared with other strong baseline models.


神经机器翻译 / 篇章翻译 / 篇章上下文

Key words

neural machine translation / document-level translation / document-level context


陈林卿,李军辉,贡正仙. 层次化结构全局上下文增强的篇章级神经机器翻译. 中文信息学报. 2022, 36(9): 67-75
CHEN Linqing, LI Junhui, GONG Zhengxian. Hierarchical Global Context Augmented Document-level Neural Machine Translation. Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2022, 36(9): 67-75


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