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中文信息学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (9) : 76-83,92.


  • 张泽锋1,2,毛存礼1,2,余正涛1,2,黄于欣1,2,刘奕洋1,2
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Sensitive Judicial Public Opinion Information Recognition with the Domain Terminology Dictionary

  • ZHANG Zefeng1,2, MAO Cunli1,2, YU Zhengtao1,2, HUANG Yuxin1,2, LIU Yiyang1,2
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司法舆情敏感信息识别主要是从海量网络文本中识别出与司法领域相关的敏感舆情。当前,面向司法舆情敏感信息识别的研究较少,相比通用领域的敏感信息识别任务,司法舆情敏感信息具有描述不规范、冗余信息多以及领域词汇过多等特点,这使得通用模型并不适用该任务。为此,该文提出融入领域术语词典的司法舆情敏感信息识别模型。首先使用双向循环神经网络和多头注意力机制对舆情文本进行编码,得到具有权重信息的文本表示;其次将领域术语词典作为分类的指导知识,与舆情文本表征构建相似矩阵,得到融入领域术语词典的司法敏感文本表征;然后利用卷积神经网络对其进行局部信息编码,再利用多头注意力机制获取具有敏感权重的局部特征;最后实现司法领域敏感信息识别。实验结果表明,相比Bi-LSTM Attention基线模型,F1值提升了8%。


Currently, there are few researches on sensitive information identification for judicial public opinion, which is challenged by nonstandard descriptions, rich redundant information and numerous domain words. To address these issues, we propose a novel recognition model of judicial public opinion sensitive information via integrating the domain terminology dictionary. Firstly, the bi-directional recurrent neural network and multi-head attention mechanism are used to encode the public opinion text. Secondly, the domain terminology dictionary is used as the guiding knowledge for classification, and a similarity matrix is constructed with the public opinion text representation to derive the judicially sensitive text representation. Furthermore, convolutional neural network is used to encode local information, and multi-head attention mechanism is used to derive the weight aware local features. Finally, the identification of sensitive information in the judicial field is employed. The experimental results show that compared with the Bi-LSTM Attention baseline model, the F1 value increases by 8%.


司法舆情 / 敏感信息 / 领域术语词典 / 多头注意力机制

Key words

judicial public opinion / sensitive information / domain terminology dictionary / multi-head attention mechanism


张泽锋,毛存礼,余正涛,黄于欣,刘奕洋. 融入领域术语词典的司法舆情敏感信息识别. 中文信息学报. 2022, 36(9): 76-83,92
ZHANG Zefeng, MAO Cunli, YU Zhengtao, HUANG Yuxin, LIU Yiyang. Sensitive Judicial Public Opinion Information Recognition with the Domain Terminology Dictionary. Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2022, 36(9): 76-83,92


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