量子自然语言处理: 历史演变与新进展

樊子鹏, 张鹏, 高珲

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中文信息学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1) : 1-15.

量子自然语言处理: 历史演变与新进展

  • 樊子鹏,张鹏,高珲
作者信息 +

A Survey of Quantum Natural Language Processing: Evolution and Progress

  • FAN Zipeng, ZHANG Peng, GAO Hui
Author information +
History +




Quantum natural language processing, as a cross-disciplinary field of quantum mechanics and natural language processing, has gradually attracted the attention of the community, and a large number of quantum natural language processing models and algorithms have been proposed. As a review of these work, this paper briefly summarizes the problems of current classical algorithms and the two research ideas of combinng quantum mechanics with natural language processing. It also explains the role of quantum mechanics in natural language processing from three aspects: semantic space, semantic modeling and semantic interaction. By analyzing the differences in storage resources and computation complexity between the quantum computing platform and the classical computing platform, it reveals the necessity of deploying quantum natural language processing algorithms on the quantum computing platform. Finally, the current quantum natural language processing algorithms are enumerated, and the research direction in this field are outlooked for further research.


量子力学 / 自然语言处理

Key words

quantum mechanics / natural language processing


樊子鹏, 张鹏, 高珲. 量子自然语言处理: 历史演变与新进展. 中文信息学报. 2023, 37(1): 1-15
FAN Zipeng, ZHANG Peng, GAO Hui. A Survey of Quantum Natural Language Processing: Evolution and Progress. Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2023, 37(1): 1-15


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