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中文信息学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1) : 65-73,85.


  • 岑科廷1,2,沈华伟1,2,曹婍1,徐冰冰1,程学旗2,3
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Graph Contrastive Learning with Global Adversarial Negative Examples

  • CEN Keting1,2, SHEN Huawei1,2, CAO Qi1, XU Bingbing1, CHENG Xueqi2,3
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Graph contrastive learning, a successful unsupervised node representation method, aims to learn node representations by pulling the augmented versions of the node together (positive examples), while pushing it with other nodes apart (negative examples). One key component of graph contrastive learning is the choice of negative examples, and existing methods fail accurately finding the challengeable negative examples that are critical to the model. We propose to learn a global negative example for all the nodes, through adversarial learning. Extensive experiment results demonstrate both the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed model.


图表示学习 / 图对比学习 / 对抗负样本 / 全局负样本

Key words

graph rrepresentation learning / graph contrastive learning / adversarial negative examples / global negative examples


岑科廷,沈华伟,曹婍,徐冰冰,程学旗. 基于全局对抗负样本的图对比学习方法. 中文信息学报. 2024, 38(1): 65-73,85
CEN Keting, SHEN Huawei, CAO Qi, XU Bingbing, CHENG Xueqi. Graph Contrastive Learning with Global Adversarial Negative Examples. Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2024, 38(1): 65-73,85


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