汉语框架语义角色标注对汉语框架语义分析具有重要作用。目前汉语框架语义角色标注任务主要针对动词框架,但是汉语没有丰富的形态变化,很多语法意义都是通过虚词来表现的,其中副词研究是现代汉语虚词研究的重要部分,因此该文从副词角度出发构建了汉语副词框架及数据集,且对框架下的词元按照语义强弱进行了等级划分。目前的语义角色标注模型大多基于BiLSTM网络模型,该模型虽然可以很好地获取全局信息,但容易忽略句子局部特征,且无法并行训练。针对上述问题,该文提出了基于BERT特征融合与膨胀卷积的语义角色标注模型,该模型包括四层: BERT层用于表达句子的丰富语义信息,Attention层对BERT获取的每一层信息进行动态权重融合,膨胀卷积(IDCNN)层进行特征提取,CRF层修正预测标签。该模型在三个副词框架数据集上表现良好,F1值均达到了82%以上。此外,将该模型应用于CFN数据集上,F1值达到88.29%,较基线模型提升了4%以上。
Chinese frame semantic role labeling plays an important role in Chinese frame semantic analysis. At present, the task of semantic role labeling in Chinese frame is mainly aimed at verb frame. This paper constructs a Chinese adverb framework and dataset, and classifies the word in the framework according to its semantic strength. Then, this paper proposes a semantic role labeling model based on Bert feature fusion and expansion convolution. The model includes four layers, with the bert layer to reperesent the rich semantic information of sentences, the attention layer to dynamical weighs the information from each BERT layer, the expansion convolution (IDCNN) layer to extract features, and the CRF layer to predict tags. The model performs well in three adverb frame datasets, achieveing 82% or more F1 value. In addition, the model achieves 88.29% F1 value in CFN dataset, which is 4% above the baseline model.
汉语框架语义角色标注 /
副词 /
膨胀卷积 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
Chinese frame semantic role labeling /
adverb /
{{custom_keyword}} /
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