Machine reading comprehension aims to enable machines to answer questions related to a given article. To address the machine reading comprehension models in low-resource languages, this paper proposes an end-to-end attention based model for Tibetan named Ti-Reader. First, to encode more fine-grained Tibetan text information, this paper combines syllables and words for word embedding, and then uses word-level attention to capture the keywords in the article. Moreover, the re-read mechanism is applied to capture the semantic information between the article and the questions, and the self-attention is used to match the hidden variables of the question and the answer. The experimental results show that Ti-Reader improves the performance of Tibetan machine reading comprehension, while preserving a good performance on the English dataset SQuAD.
机器阅读理解,注意力机制 /
端到端网络 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
machine reading comprehension /
attention /
end-to-end network /
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