SaGE: 基于句法感知图卷积神经网络和ELECTRA的中文隐喻识别模型


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中文信息学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (3) : 24-32.

SaGE: 基于句法感知图卷积神经网络和ELECTRA的中文隐喻识别模型

  • 张声龙1,刘颖1,马艳军2
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SaGE: Syntax-aware GCN with ELECTRA for Chinese Metaphor Detection

  • ZHANG Shenglong1, LIU Ying1, MA Yanjun2
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隐喻是人类语言中经常出现的一种特殊现象,隐喻识别对于自然语言处理各项任务来说具有十分基础和重要的意义。针对中文领域的隐喻识别任务,该文提出了一种基于句法感知图卷积神经网络和ELECTRA的隐喻识别模型(Syntax-aware GCN with ELECTRA, SaGE)。该模型从语言学出发,使用ELECTRA和Transformer编码器抽取句子的语义特征,将句子按照依存关系组织成一张图并使用图卷积神经网络抽取其句法特征,在此基础上对两类特征进行融合以进行隐喻识别。该模型在CCL 2018中文隐喻识别评测数据集上以85.22%的宏平均F1值超越了此前的最佳成绩,验证了融合语义信息和句法信息对于隐喻识别任务具有重要作用。


Metaphor is a special phenomenon in human languages. As for Metaphor Detection in Chinese, we propose a SaGE (Syntax-aware GCN with ELECTRA) method inspired by linguistics. SaGE utilizes ELECTRA and Transformer encoder to extract the semantic feature of a sentence, and the GCN to extract syntactic feature through a graph constructed by dependency parsing result. The model concatenates the two features to detect metaphors. SaGE obatins 85.22% macro-F1 score, a substantial improvement over the best reported score in CCL 2018 Chinese Metaphor Detection Task Dataset.


隐喻识别 / ELECTRA / 图卷积神经网络 / 依存句法

Key words

metaphor detection / ELECTRA / GCN / dependency parsing


张声龙,刘颖,马艳军. SaGE: 基于句法感知图卷积神经网络和ELECTRA的中文隐喻识别模型. 中文信息学报. 2024, 38(3): 24-32
ZHANG Shenglong, LIU Ying, MA Yanjun. SaGE: Syntax-aware GCN with ELECTRA for Chinese Metaphor Detection. Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2024, 38(3): 24-32


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