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中文信息学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5) : 1-21.


  • 罗平1,2,3,杨清平1,2,曹逸轩1,2,曹荣禹1,2,何清1,2
作者信息 +

A Survey on Non-Relational Table Understanding

  • LUO Ping1,2,3, YANG Qingping1,2, CAO Yixuan1,2, CAO Rongyu1,2, HE Qing1,2
Author information +
History +




Table understanding is the process of automatically recognizing, parsing, and applying tables that are widely available on the Internet and in vertical domains. Tables can be broadly classified into relational tables and non-relational tables. The former is similar to relational database tables, with a fixed structure easy for machine parsing. The latter is usually more flexible in layout and syntax, with more obvious linguistic features, which is very challenging for computers to parse. Non-relational table understanding is one of the important emerging areas at the intersection of natural language and computer vision. With the popularity of deep learning technology in recent years, non-relational table understanding has been greatly developed in several directions, including recognition, semantic analysis, and application. This paper introduces the characteristics of non-relational tables, then systematically introduces the recent developments in this field from the three research directions mentioned above. It also summarizes the public datasets related to non-relational tables, reveals the existing problems that need to be solved in non-relational table understanding and ends with possible future research directions.


表格智能 / 深度学习 / 多模态自然语言处理

Key words

table intelligence / deep learning / multimodal nature language processing


罗平,杨清平,曹逸轩,曹荣禹,何清. 非关系型表格理解前沿进展. 中文信息学报. 2024, 38(5): 1-21
LUO Ping, YANG Qingping, CAO Yixuan, CAO Rongyu, HE Qing. A Survey on Non-Relational Table Understanding. Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2024, 38(5): 1-21


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