Step2Vec: 面向动力学传播的网络表示学习方法


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中文信息学报 ›› 2025, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (2) : 100-110.

Step2Vec: 面向动力学传播的网络表示学习方法

  • 陈奇,焦鹏飞,王震,鲍青
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Step2Vec:A Network Representation for Dynamic Transmission

  • CHEN Qi, JIAO Pengfei, WANG Zhen, BAO Qing
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History +




The network representation learning is a distributed representation scheme for the nodes and the network structure, which is widely used in node classification, community detection and link prediction. It is still an open issue for network representation learning to estimate node state during network transmission. This paper proposes a sampling method based on dynamic transmission, called Step2Vec step-by-step sampling method. Step2Vec extracts and trains the network structure features of nodes by combining the network transmission process. Evaluated by node state estimate task and link prediction task, Step2Vec algorithm achieves 85.6% in estimating the node state in network transmission, and outperforms the random walk algorithm by 5.9%.


网络传播 / 网络表示学习方法 / 状态估计

Key words

network transmission / network representation algorithms / state estimation


陈奇,焦鹏飞,王震,鲍青. Step2Vec: 面向动力学传播的网络表示学习方法. 中文信息学报. 2025, 39(2): 100-110
CHEN Qi, JIAO Pengfei, WANG Zhen, BAO Qing. Step2Vec:A Network Representation for Dynamic Transmission. Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2025, 39(2): 100-110


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