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中文信息学报 ›› 2025, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (2) : 131-142.


  • 钟茂生,刘蕾,吴如萍,甘家其,周新宇
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Chinese Parallelism Generation Based on Part-of-Speech Alignment and Dependency Relation

  • ZHONG Maosheng, LIU Lei, WU Ruping, GAN Jiaqi, ZHOU Xinyu
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Parallelism is a popular rhetorical device featured by its ability to enhance momentum, emphasize key points, and provide clear structure, and there is now no dedicated generation model or publicly available corpus for parallelism. This paper proposes a Chinese parallelism generation model named CPG-PosDep, developed based on the collection and construction of a parallelism dataset and considering the linguistic characteristics of parallelism. Followinging a linguistic approach, the model employs predefined segmentation markers, intra-sentence word order indicators, and inter-sentence position symbols, combined with a random sampling strategy to globally annotate parallelism. It integrates an enhanced Transformer attention mechanism to learn part-of-speech alignment features, and adopts BERT and attention mechanisms to incorporate dependency relation information from sentences into the model. Experiments indicate that the model can generate coherent sentences that maintain consistent part-of-speech and dependency relations with the given clauses, much better than those by existing couplet or poetry models.


中文排比句生成 / 词性对齐 / 随机采样策略 / 依存关系

Key words

Chinese parallelism generation / part-of-speech alignment / random sampling strategy / dependency relation


钟茂生,刘蕾,吴如萍,甘家其,周新宇. 基于词性对齐与依存关系的中文排比句生成方法. 中文信息学报. 2025, 39(2): 131-142
ZHONG Maosheng, LIU Lei, WU Ruping, GAN Jiaqi, ZHOU Xinyu. Chinese Parallelism Generation Based on Part-of-Speech Alignment and Dependency Relation. Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2025, 39(2): 131-142


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E-mail: zhongmaosheng@sina.com刘蕾(2000—),硕士研究生,主要研究领域为自然语言处理、考试软件与系统。
E-mail: 1419816401@qq.com吴如萍(1998—),通信作者,硕士研究生,主要研究领域为自然语言处理、智能教育与软件。
E-mail: 1455791641@qq.com


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