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中文信息学报 ›› 2025, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (2) : 63-71.


  • 涂杰1,李茂西1,2,裘白莲1
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Siamese XLM-R Based Bilingual Parallel Corpus Filtering Method for Machine Translation

  • TU Jie1, LI Maoxi1,2, QIU Bailian1
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The quantity and quality of bilingual parallel corpora used for model training greatly affect the performance of the system. To improve the automatic filtering of bilingual parallel corpora, this paper proposes a Siamese XLM-R based filtering method. The Siamese neural network based on the cross-lingual pre-training language model XLM-R is used to map source sentences and target sentences to the deep semantic space. The average pooling operation is then used to obtain their sentence representations with the same dimension. Parallel sentence pairs with high similarity are extracted based on the cosine distance between sentence representations. The experimental results on the WMT18 bilingual parallel corpus filtering task demonstrate that the proposed model outperforms the baselines and exhibits good comparability with the participants in the evaluation campaign.


机器翻译 / 双语平行语料自动过滤 / 孪生神经网络 / XLM-R模型 / 对比损失

Key words

machine translation / automatic filtering of bilingual parallel corpus / siamese neural network / XLM-R Model / contrastive loss


涂杰,李茂西,裘白莲. 基于孪生XLM-R模型的机器翻译双语平行语料过滤方法. 中文信息学报. 2025, 39(2): 63-71
TU Jie, LI Maoxi, QIU Bailian. Siamese XLM-R Based Bilingual Parallel Corpus Filtering Method for Machine Translation. Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2025, 39(2): 63-71


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E-mail: jietu@jxnu.edu.cn李茂西(1977—),通信作者,博士,教授,主要研究领域为自然语言处理和机器翻译。
E-mail: mosesli@jxnu.edu.cn裘白莲(1981—),博士,讲师,主要研究领域为计算语言学和机器翻译。
E-mail: qiubl@ecjtu.edu.cn


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