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中文信息学报 ›› 2025, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (2) : 89-99,110.


  • 曾志林1,张超群1,2,吴国富1,汤卫东1,李灏然1,李婉秋1
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A Knowledge Transferable GNN Model Integrating Influence Maximization for Predicting Unknown Nodes

  • ZENG Zhilin1, ZHANG Chaoqun1,2, WU Guofu1, TANG Weidong1, LI Haoran1, LI Wanqiu1
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在社交网络中,大多数节点的数据不完整,已有的方法对这些节点的预测效率较低。鉴于此,该文提出一种融合影响力最大化的知识可迁移图神络网络(Graph Neural Network,GNN)模型VRKTGNN,其是对预测社交网络未知节点的KTGNN模型的改进。VRKTGNN根据用户的关注去构建一个图结构数据,由改进的投票排名算法VoteRank++选出图数据中影响力最大的节点对未知节点进行知识迁移,通过KTGNN利用影响力最大的节点将未知节点的信息进行完善或者补全,进而预测出大多数未知节点的一个关注重点。在五个数据集上的实验结果表明,VRKTGNN总体明显优于十个对比模型。具体来说,与最优的对比模型KTGNN相比,VRKTGNN在Github-web数据集上性能非常接近,而在Twitch-DE、Tolokers、Twitter、Twitch-EN数据集上的F1值分别提升5.73%、2.9%、2.86%和1.83%。这些结果均表明,该文新提出的模型鲁棒性更强,能够利用影响力最大的节点对社交网络中的未知节点进行有效预测,且对复杂网络更具优势。


In social networks, most nodes have incomplete data, and existing methods are less efficient in predicting these nodes. This paper proposes a knowledge transferable Graph Neural Network (GNN) model called VRKTGNN that integrates influence maximization, which is an improvement of the KTGNN model for predicting unknown nodes in social networks. VRKTGNN constructs a graph structure data based on users concerns, and uses the improved vote ranking algorithm VoteRank++ to select the most influential nodes from the graph data. Furthermore, KTGNN uses the most influential nodes to refine or complement the information of unknown nodes, thus predicting the attentional focus of most unknown nodes. Experiments on five well-known datasets show that VRKTGNN significantly outperforms the ten competitors, with 5.73%, 2.9%, 2.86% and 1.83% increase compared with KTGNN in F1-Score the Twitch-DE, Tolokers, Twitter and Twitch-EN datasets, respectively. These results suggest that the proposed model performs rabustness, which can effectioely predict the unknown nodes using the most influential nodes in social networks and has more advantages for comples networks.


社交网络 / 影响力最大化 / 图神经网络 / 知识迁移

Key words

social network / influence maximization / graph neural network / knowledge transfer


曾志林,张超群,吴国富,汤卫东,李灏然,李婉秋. 一种预测未知节点的融合影响力最大化
的知识可迁移GNN模型. 中文信息学报. 2025, 39(2): 89-99,110
ZENG Zhilin, ZHANG Chaoqun, WU Guofu, TANG Weidong, LI Haoran, LI Wanqiu. A Knowledge Transferable GNN Model Integrating Influence Maximization for Predicting Unknown Nodes. Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2025, 39(2): 89-99,110


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E-mail: 2530177092@qq.com张超群(1974—),通信作者,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,主要研究领域为知识图谱、计算智能和大数据技术。
E-mail: chaozi_0771@163.com吴国富(1965—),博士,副教授,硕士生导师,主要研究领域为中国南方民族历史文化、人类学理论与方法。
E-mail: guofuwu@126.com


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