In Chinese character input , the form-based coding method is an indispensable complement to the Pinyin-based method. The former is preferable in the cases where high-speed input is needed , where a large character set is required , where words of single characters or words missing in normal dictionaries are abundant , and where unfamiliar or rarely-used characters are more frequently used. The present paper introduces ZYQ , a stroke-group-based Chinese character input method whose development has been kept under the guidance of being Correct (in respect to the norms of language education and language application) , Easy (in respect to user friendliness and convenience) and Complete (in respect to the Chinese character set available) . ZYQ has a key-selection rate of 16.4% , while the maximum and average code lengths are 5 and 4.315 respectively.
ZHANG Xiao-heng.
Towards Correctness , Easiness and Completeness : Building a Chinese Character Coding Input Method Based on Dynamic Structured Stroke Groups. Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2003, 17(3): 60-66
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