
李 莉,刘知远,孙茂松

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中文信息学报 ›› 2013, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (6) : 151-158.


  • 李 莉,刘知远,孙茂松
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Automatically Extracting Phrase-level Paraphrases from Chinese-English Parallel Patents

  • LI Li, LIU Zhiyuan, SUN Maosong
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Automatically extracting phrase-level paraphrases is an important research task in natural language processing (NLP), which has been applied in applications such as information retrieval, query answering and document classification. Moreover, technique patents, as an important carrier of human knowledge and technology, contain abundant information. Hence, automatically extracting phrase-level paraphrases from Chinese-English parallel patents has a positive effect on NLP tasks about technology. In this paper, we aim to extract phrase-level paraphrases from Chinese-English parallel patents automatically using method based on statistical machine translation, and use chunk parsing technology for paraphrase verification. Moreover, to dispose the errors caused by translation ambiguity and bad word alignment, we use distributional similarity to re-rank the extracted phrase-level paraphrases. In experiments, we find that the method based on statistical machine translation gets a precision of 43.20% on Chinese patents while 43.60% on English patents for Top-500 results. Meanwhile, after verification with chunk parsing, the precisions are raised to 75.50% and 52.40%, respectively. Moreover, the re-ranking based on distributional similarity also improves the performance significantly.
Key wordsphrase-level paraphrase; statistical machine translation; chunk parsing; distributional similarity

Key words

phrase-level paraphrase / statistical machine translation / chunk parsing / distributional similarity


李 莉,刘知远,孙茂松. 基于中英平行专利语料的短语复述自动抽取研究. 中文信息学报. 2013, 27(6): 151-158
LI Li, LIU Zhiyuan, SUN Maosong. Automatically Extracting Phrase-level Paraphrases from Chinese-English Parallel Patents. Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2013, 27(6): 151-158


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