集句诗是中国古典诗歌的一种特殊体裁。是从前人的诗篇中选取已有诗句,再将其巧妙组合形成一首新诗,是一种艺术的再创造形式。集句诗的生成要求集辑而成的诗不仅合辙押韵, 且有完整的内容、连贯的上下文和新颖的主旨意境,对创作者的知识储备和诗词鉴赏能力有极高的要求。该文基于计算机的海量存储和快速检索能力,以及神经网络模型对文本语义较强的表示和理解能力,提出一种新颖的集句诗自动生成模型。该模型以数十万首古诗作为基础,利用循环神经网络(RNN)自动学习古诗句的语义表示,并设计了多种方法自动计算两句诗句的上下文关联性。根据用户输入的首句,模型能够自动计算选取上下文语义最相关连贯的诗句进行集辑,从而形成一首完整的集句诗。自动评测和人工评测的实验结果都表明,该文模型能够生成质量较好的集句诗,远远超过基线模型的效果。
Jiju poetry is a special kind of Chinese classical poetry in which each line is selected from existing poems respectively. As a form of art recreation, the reformed poem should not only obey the structural and phonological constraints, but also have an original theme, integrated content, and coherence. In this paper, we propose a novel automatic Jiju poetry generation model based on neural network. We apply Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) to learn the vector representation of each poetry line, then we investigate different methods to measure the context coherence of two lines. Both automatic and human evaluation results show that our model can generate high-quality Jiju poems, outperforming the baseline models significantly.
关键词神经网络 /
中国古典诗歌 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
neural network /
Chinese classical poetry /
automatic poetry generation
{{custom_keyword}} /
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