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中文信息学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (1) : 34-44.


  • 洪文兴1,胡志强1,翁洋2,张恒3,王竹4,郭志新5
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Automated Knowledge Graph Construction for Judicial Case Facts

  • HONG Wenxing1, HU Zhiqiang1, WENG Yang2, ZHANG Heng3, WANG Zhu4, GUO Zhixin5
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History +




Legal knowledge centered cognitive intelligence is an important topic for judicial artificial intelligence. This paper proposes an automated knowledge graph construction approach for judicial case facts. Based on the pre-training model, models for entity recognition and relation extraction are presented. For the entity recognition task, two pre-training based entity recognition models are compared. For the relation extraction task, a multi-task joint semantic relation extraction model is proposed incorporating translating embeddings. The knowledge representation learning of case facts is obtained while completing the relation extraction task. For “motor vehicle traffic accident liability dispute”, compared with the baseline model, the entity recognition can be increased by 0.36 in F1 score, and the relation extraction by 2.37 F1 score. Based on the proposed method, a case facts knowledge graphs are established on a couple of hundred thousand judicial documents, enabling the semantic computing for judicial artificial intelligence applications such as case retrieval.


司法案件 / 知识图谱 / 实体识别 / 关系抽取

Key words

judicial case / knowledge graph / entity recognition / relation extraction


洪文兴,胡志强,翁洋,张恒,王竹,郭志新. 面向司法案件的案情知识图谱自动构建. 中文信息学报. 2020, 34(1): 34-44
HONG Wenxing, HU Zhiqiang, WENG Yang, ZHANG Heng, WANG Zhu, GUO Zhixin. Automated Knowledge Graph Construction for Judicial Case Facts. Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2020, 34(1): 34-44


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