Sememes, defined as the minimum semantic units of human languages in linguistics, have been proven useful in many NLP tasks. Since manual construction and update of sememe knowledge bases (KBs) are costly, the task of automatic sememe prediction has been used to assist sememe annotation. In this paper, we explore the method of applying dictionary definitions to predicting sememes for unannotated words. We find that sememes of each word are usually semantically related to different words in its dictionary definition, and we name this matching relationship local semantic correspondence. Accordingly, we propose a Sememe Correspondence Pooling (SCorP) model which is able to capture this kind of matching to predict sememes. Evaluated on HowNet, our model is revealed with state-of-the-art performance, capable of properly learning local semantic correspondence between sememes and words in dictionary definitions.
义原预测 /
HowNet /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
sememe prediction /
HowNet /
semantic relevance
{{custom_keyword}} /
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