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中文信息学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (8) : 1-15.


  • 杜小虎1,吴宏明2,易子博1,李莎莎1,马俊1,余杰1
作者信息 +

Adversarial Text Attack and Defense: A Review

  • DU Xiaohu1, WU Hongming2, YI Zibo1, LI Shasha1, MA Jun1, YU Jie1
Author information +
History +




Adversarial attack and defense is a popular research issue in recent years. Attackers use small modifications to generate adversarial examples to cause prediction errors from the deep neural network. The generated adversarial examples can reveal the vulnerability of the neural network, which can be repaired to improve the security and robustness of the model. This paper gives a more detailed and comprehensive introduction to the current mainstream adversarial text example attack and defense methods, the data set together with the target neural network of the mainstream attack. We also compare the differences between different attack methods in this paper. Finally, the challenges of the adversarial text examples and the prospect of future research are summarized.


自然语言处理 / 对抗样本 / 深度神经网络

Key words

natural language processing / adversarial example / deep neural network


杜小虎,吴宏明,易子博,李莎莎,马俊,余杰. 文本对抗样本攻击与防御技术综述. 中文信息学报. 2021, 35(8): 1-15
DU Xiaohu, WU Hongming, YI Zibo, LI Shasha, MA Jun, YU Jie. Adversarial Text Attack and Defense: A Review. Journal of Chinese Information Processing. 2021, 35(8): 1-15


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